If you wish to take the course for graduate credit, you must complete a second registration on the NDSU website by following this link. The cost for college credit is an additional $100 ($50 grading fee and $50 recording fee).
While registering for Shifting the Balance: The Online Class Grades 3-5, you can opt out of receiving educational and promotional emails, a choice we certainly understand and respect.
However, opting out disables our ability to communicate directly with you via our online class email system. Therefore, we won't be able to send you course announcements directly via email. If you choose this option, be sure to watch the course announcements section of the curriculum for any new information from us.
If you don't opt out, you’ll get a weekly email from us.
Either way, you can always change your settings by editing your profile.
Example Curriculum
- MODULE 1 - Welcome Letter and Companion Guidebook
- MODULE 1 - Getting Started (3:16)
- MODULE 1 - A Common Practice to Reconsider (6:15)
- MODULE 1 - Misunderstanding 1 (17:10)
- MODULE 1 - Misunderstanding 2 (16:52)
- MODULE 1 - Misunderstanding 3 (8:40)
- MODULE 1 - Misunderstanding 4 (9:07)
- MODULE 1 - A Short Summary of the Science (5:39)
- MODULE 1 - The Simple and Scientifically Sound Shift (3:16)
- MODULE 1 - Introduction to Instructional Routines (2:12)
- MODULE 1 - Routine 1: Intentional Planning for Knowledge Building (15:16)
- MODULE 1 - Routine 2: Teaching with Text Sets (10:26)
- MODULE 1 - Routine 3: Interactive Text Experiences (17:36)
- MODULE 1 - Routine 4: Kids as Experts (9:15)
- MODULE 1 - Routine 5: Using Images and Multi-media (6:37)
- MODULE 1 - Wrapping Up (4:02)
- MODULE 1 - Extras and Resources
- MODULE 2 - Welcome Letter and Companion Guidebook
- MODULE 2 - Getting Started (3:14)
- MODULE 2 - A Common Practice to Reconsider (5:32)
- MODULE 2 - Misunderstanding 1 (6:05)
- MODULE 2 - Misunderstanding 2 (12:52)
- MODULE 2 - Misunderstanding 3 (15:47)
- MODULE 2 - Misunderstanding 4 (8:44)
- MODULE 2 - Misunderstanding 5 (8:39)
- MODULE 2 - A Short Summary of the Science (4:17)
- MODULE 2 - Introduction to Instructional Routines (2:40)
- MODULE 2 - The Simple and Scientifically Sound Shift (6:36)
- MODULE 2 - Routine 1: The Strategic Six Thinking Moves (10:53)
- MODULE 2 - Routine 2: Asking Connected Questions (18:21)
- MODULE 2 - Routine 3: Reciprocal Teaching (14:27)
- MODULE 2 - Routine 4: Question-Answer Relationships (6:48)
- MODULE 2 - Routine 5: Noticing Text Structures (17:34)
- MODULE 2 - Wrapping Up (6:36)
- MODULE 2 - Extras and Resources
- MODULE 3 - Welcome Letter and Companion Guidebook
- MODULE 3 - Getting Started (2:26)
- MODULE 3 - A Common Practice to Reconsider (3:18)
- MODULE 3 - Misunderstanding 1 (6:12)
- MODULE 3 - Misunderstanding 2 (10:07)
- MODULE 3 - Misunderstanding 3 (10:21)
- MODULE 3 - Misunderstanding 4 (12:39)
- MODULE 3 - Misunderstanding 5 (14:14)
- MODULE 3 - A Short Summary of the Science (10:09)
- MODULE 3 - Introduction to Instructional Routines (2:31)
- MODULE 3 - The Simple and Scientifically Sound Shift (4:40)
- MODULE 3 - Routine 1: Interactive Text Experiences (11:42)
- MODULE 3 - Routine 2: Sophisticated Language (6:52)
- MODULE 3 - Routine 3: Lesson Plan for Explicit Vocabulary Instruction (13:12)
- MODULE 3 - Routine 4: Explicit Morphology Instruction (5:08)
- MODULE 3 - Routine 5: Using Context Clues (12:27)
- MODULE 3 - Routine 6: Using Interactive Vocabulary Walls (10:59)
- MODULE 3 - Routine 7: Word Collection Notebooks (6:38)
- MODULE 3 - Routine 8: Shades of Meanings (10:27)
- MODULE 3 - Routine 9: Meaningful Reading Practice (3:32)
- MODULE 3 - Wrapping Up (3:52)
- MODULE 3 - Extras and Resources
- MODULE 4 - Welcome Letter and Companion Guidebook
- MODULE 4 - Getting Started (2:37)
- MODULE 4 - A Common Practice to Reconsider (13:39)
- MODULE 4 - Misunderstanding 1 (18:42)
- MODULE 4 - Misunderstanding 2 (11:37)
- MODULE 4 - Misunderstanding 3 (16:12)
- MODULE 4 - Misunderstanding 4 (21:06)
- MODULE 4 - Misunderstanding 5 (6:28)
- MODULE 4 - A Short Summary of the Science (5:11)
- MODULE 4 - Introduction to the Instructional Routines (3:34)
- MODULE 4 - The Simple and Scientifically Sound Shift (1:08)
- MODULE 4 - Routine 1: Scaffolding Orthographic Mapping (15:06)
- MODULE 4 - Routine 2: Marking Up (or Writing) Big Words (10:00)
- MODULE 4 - Routine 3: Reading Long Words Bit-by-Bit (10:18)
- MODULE 4 - Routine 4: Making the Leap (11:44)
- MODULE 4 - Routine 5: Reading Aligned Texts (19:36)
- MODULE 4 - Routine 6: Spelling Dictation (6:43)
- MODULE 4 - Wrapping Up (2:36)
- MODULE 4 - Extras and Resources
- MODULE 5 - Welcome Letter and Companion Guidebook
- MODULE 5 - Getting Started (5:25)
- MODULE 5 - A Common Practice to Reconsider (9:12)
- MODULE 5 - Misunderstanding 1 (15:25)
- MODULE 5 - Misunderstanding 2 (9:54)
- MODULE 5 - Misunderstanding 3 (9:46)
- MODULE 5 - Misunderstanding 4 (13:34)
- MODULE 5 - A Short Summary of the Science (5:41)
- MODULE 5 - Introduction to Instructional Strategies (6:09)
- MODULE 5 - The Simple and Scientifically Sound Shift (1:36)
- MODULE 5 - Routine 1: Establish a Weekly Routine (15:18)
- MODULE 5 - Routine 2: Scaffold Repeated Reading (15:00)
- MODULE 5 - Routine 3: Choral Reading (6:32)
- MODULE 5 - Routine 4: Echo Reading (6:41)
- MODULE 5 - Routine 5: Read, Record, Listen (5:09)
- MODULE 5 - Routine 6: Read Aloud (11:06)
- MODULE 5 - Routine 7: Performance Reading (12:33)
- MODULE 5 - Routine 8: Self-Assessing Fluency (8:18)
- MODULE 5 - Wrapping Up (5:39)
- MODULE 5 - Extras and Resources
- MODULE 6 - Welcome Letter and Companion Guidebook
- MODULE 6 - Getting Started (5:16)
- MODULE 6 - A Common Practice to Reconsider (4:37)
- MODULE 6 - Misunderstanding 1 (10:52)
- MODULE 6 - Misunderstanding 2 (7:53)
- MODULE 6 - Misunderstanding 3 (23:26)
- MODULE 6 - Misunderstanding 4 (9:34)
- MODULE 6 - Misunderstanding 5 (13:23)
- MODULE 6 - Misunderstanding 6 (8:50)
- MODULE 6 - A Short Summary of the Science (4:48)
- MODULE 6 - The Simple and Scientifically Sound Shift (3:43)
- MODULE 6 - Introduction to Instructional Routines (3:55)
- MODULE 6 - Routine 1: Organizing Classroom Libraries (9:38)
- MODULE 6 - Routine 2: Supporting Student Text Choices (19:09)
- MODULE 6 - Routine 3: Aligning Texts to Instruction (13:09)
- MODULE 6 - Routine 4: Responding to Texts Through Discussion (15:56)
- MODULE 6 - Routine 5: Writing in Response to Reading (18:43)
- MODULE 6 - Routine 6: Goal Setting and Feedback (10:02)
- MODULE 6 - Extras and Resources
- MODULE 6 - Wrapping Up and Farewell (5:06)